Fabryka Okien Dobroplast sp. z o.o. part of the Swiss group AFG (Arbonia Forster Group), it orders more VERDOOR gates to be installed in the modernized window factory. As usual, all assembly work have to be carried out while warehouses and production lines are in operation. It is not possible to stop production process in one of the largest window factories in Poland. Like in previous orders, we have to produce steel constructions, to which the gates will be installed. VERDOOR service team reconstructs the walls of the hall. The course of works is documented by photographs – we cut, weld and assemble the profiles. When each installation place is ready, we can start the installation of sectional doors and control devices. At the end, we only have to check all system components, lubricate connections and pack scaffolds for our WV Crafter. Comprehensive customer service is completed by the acceptance protocol.
Over 20 VERDOOR industrial gates proves their value in difficult conditions of continuous operation in Dobroplast production halls and warehouses.
Thank you for choosing VERDOOR industrial gates