VERDOOR IDEA is a system of values that sets out our path of growth. Our passion is in constructing and perfecting garage door solutions. We are excited about the opportunity to create small-space architecture on the façade of a building. Our goal is not the size of the enterprise or the production output that goes into thousands. We are fascinated by the idea of creating beautiful and reliable items. We are individualists and have the courage to go in the opposite direction to our competitors. We have never aspired to sell garage doors on every street corner – we want to create garage doors that are unique in every possible manner. We want to work for the most demanding customers. Here are the principles that guide our daily business.

During the times when the common global practice is to programme limited life cycles into products, VERDOOR keeps building garage doors that can operate flawlessly for decades. We have inexhaustible energy in implementing ideas on how to build more and more perfect garage doors. VERDOOR IDEA comes from our obsession with quality. We check everything four times to make sure that we deliver the best product. Our product is the fruit of cooperation of experienced VERDOOR staff, domestic partners and European suppliers. We support Polish and European industry, which is why we pay attention to the origin of the raw materials and door components. We eliminate shoddy Asian suppliers in favour of reputable manufacturers who create jobs in Poland and in Europe.

We do not forget about our history. We launched the production of sectional garage doors 30 years ago. The engineer and company founder Tadeusz Aninowski would design and make each component separately and set the first production standards for us. Over the years we have developed our skills, testing different manufacturing technologies. Now, with such vast experience, nothing will surprise us. We feel the experts in the industry, but we know that success is the result of joint effort of a team of people: from the supplier and the manufacturer, to the sales representatives and the installer. We respect partnership. We have created VERDOOR principles to carry out our vision of development and to ensure quality at all stages of operation. We demand a lot from our suppliers and distributors, but, most of all, we demand from ourselves.

Despite the continuous improvement of our products, we never lose sight of production costs, energy efficiency, and environmental protection. We believe that VERDOOR doors must be a good investment for our customers. We make sure that our production methods are governed by both precision and effective use of all raw materials. We do our best to offer VERDOOR doors at affordable prices and at the best quality. VERDOOR IDEA obliges us to offer a fair price calculation – we do it carefully and honestly. In our work we focus on what we do best – sectional garage doors. We do not waste time and energy on other products because we cannot specialize in everything.

Reliability is our first consideration. No matter if you are a supplier, customer or shipping company, we always fulfil our obligations towards our partners with the same degree of care. We understand what responsibility is and that is why we always pay out liabilities on time. We put our own name on every product that goes to our customers and we take our responsibility for our work extremely seriously. Whatever we do together, rest assured that the result will be positive. They say that nobody is perfect. It is obvious that although we do care, we are not free from mistakes. However, we know how important it is to fix them quickly. This is a matter of honour. For us, there are not exceptions to integrity. This is how we understand responsibility.

VERDOOR is a brand that attracts individualists. Customers expect garage doors in every dimension, colour, and design but also on time and in the right place. If it is technically possible, we can design and make the most sophisticated and demanding doors. You can modify our ideas and add your own. Against mass production and domination of trends, we give people joy of creating their own door designs. VERDOOR IDEA supports individualists, but especially those who are always in a hurry. We deliver doors to unrealistically short deadlines and are able to install them in the most distant corner of the world. It is we who adapt to the needs of our customers rather than our customers to us.

Our employees and partners are extremely important to us. We feel emotionally connected through our long-term cooperation. We know each other’s families, success and failure stories. We know we can count on each other. We are constantly motivated by friendly relationships with our customers and new challenges. We cherish our creativity and constant readiness to act. The size of the company is not everything: what we care about most is goals and ways to achieve them. We are a small company, but we undertake great challenges. We are successful thanks to our partners’ support. We are proud of the trust that we have earned in the eyes of our customers. We offer them advice and assistance in every situation. We develop our business so that everyone can benefit: from the supplier to the customer. This is how we understand success and good cooperation.